Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Liz Strauss Invites You to Show Off Your Blog

Liz Strauss of Successful and Outstanding Bloggers is giving you a chance to promote your blog to the world in her Showcase Your Blog at Successful-Blog July 26-27, 2008. This is a great chance to showcase your blog to thousands of bloggers and fans on the blog by the founder of the popular Successful and Outstanding [...]

Liz Strauss of Successful and Outstanding Bloggers is giving you a chance to promote your blog to the world in her Showcase Your Blog at Successful-Blog July 26-27, 2008.

This is a great chance to showcase your blog to thousands of bloggers and fans on the blog by the founder of the popular Successful and Outstanding Bloggers Conference (SOBCon) and author of the fast selling ebook, The Secret to Writing a Successful and Outstanding Blog — The Insider’s Guide to the Conversation That’s Changing How Business Works.

To particpate, check out the instructions in the announcement of the Blog Showcase and email your blog title, URL, blog tagline, a sentence of two about what makes your blog worth visiting, and some advice on blogging or a colorful bloggy quote. The deadlines is Saturday July 26, 2008.

Site Search Tags: liz strauss, successful blog, sob, sobcon, showcase your blog, show off your blog, blog competition, blog contest, blog brag, brag about your blog, successful blogger

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Copyright Lorelle VanFossen, the author of Blogging Tips, What Bloggers Won't Tell You About Blogging.

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